31 May 2009. Goodday peeps(: well had a fun night yesterday(: In the morning had tuition and later had madrasah. But there were like only 10 of us?.. haha Later at night, my fam and I went to esplanade cos sis had to take photos for her hmwk. Before that, we headed to West Coast to eat. Reached esplanade and checked out the free events at the indoor place & concourse. sadly when we reached, the event at indoor place ended, so headed to the concourse. The next show starts at 10pm. so waited... at first when i saw weird japanese people coming on stage, i was like this'll be a boring one. but it was instead a flippin fun show! they made my day man(: i even stood up and danced. haha(: later they, the band's name: Loovee, collaborated with a local band, comic strip. fun show(: toodles peeps(: Posted @ 2:06 PM 29 May 2009. Hi peeps. well decided to post another post for the day cos im bored. sheesh. so went to eng class where we said a play(: i was the witch, Lucrexia and Prince Edgurt or smth like that. it was fun(: Before the class, i reachd JP early so i walked ard and finally entered Harris. its very fun peeps, well for those who likes reading books that is. some authors i noted are Jodi Picoult and Paulo Coelho. gyeah(: nice cover & summary. but i got no $$ to pay for those thin and expensive books. ahax. there is reason for libraries u know. sheesh(: After eng class, bought sotong balls which were delicioso. thanks abg yus! (: havent eaten since recess?..gyeah. haha. cume kenyang air.. otw to the carpark, saw kpk & friend, Aindil?.. she was doin her nails. ouuu hehe(: the moon is cresent ( (: ![]() haha so when reached home, ate like flash. lawls. Alhamdulillah dah kenyang.(: now kak ela, abg yus, asyraaf, irsyad, put, mum, kklng and cp wtchin ghost whisperer. last 2 episodes babes. im gonna wtch the last episode ltr with em. ahx. so that's it. btw, why is the timing above on the "date:" part does not tally with the real time..? haik.. so just for info, its 11pm not wdevr time is stated above. geesh.. ok toodles(:~ ![]() With fame, many things come unpredictable.
Amour<3> Posted @ 10:49 PM . Good day earthlings(: well sch was a blast today. haha, the only blasting part was drinking water durin lesson time. hurray!! haha. jk. sch was ok.. nothing much extravagant happened. so reached sch, had assembly, blah3. &! 6 months holiday, hurrah(: haha. slengs geog was bee to the ohh to the r-i-n-ghee. gah. boring. and physics, Mr K ddnt come(L(: so ze gals played a few games like 007bang!, murderer and truth/dare. it was fun(: recess was normal. seriously, a not normal recess is when: - there is only u and ur friends eating - there are people dancing on tables and a few more. gee.. then maths, received our report books. i have all the grades, ranging from A1-C6. haha. great eh. gotta pull up my socks & my height..haha slacked all the way through chem cos Mdm L was still givin out report bks..there's chem supp on 3rd june. bloopbloopbloop . . . after sch, accompanied Zahra to JP for lunch and mum texted me, sayin i gotta renew my passport. expires this yr.. ddnt eat but ate at long john silver. wth. ddnt eat but ate. gagaga.. heard the song by ST12 titled 'cari pacar' or smth like that. beat-y song(: bought oreo coffee ice blended. nice(: so headed home and da3, put decided to take his scooter with him and we took turns riding it. haha. first, take the picture which sucks cos have to put my hair BEhind my ears. lawls. had to wait for 15 mins so instead of waiting, we went to mac. anyways i promised put that i'd but him ice cream & ice blended too. haha. ate Milo MCflurry. hehe. prefer oreo mcflurry actually. haaha(: saw put's friends at mac but decided to just sit outside cos we brought along the scooter mah. haha. about 20mins later, collected the pictures.. then put decided to buy slurpee instead. &! he ddnt wanna share so bought 2. otw home, i dropped mine! ): cos i sorta jumped off the scooter. haha..so i bought peach ice blended. haha. tak habis2. lawls(: afterwards headed home and here i am, blogging(: gg off for eng ltr. toodles(: Take a word and make it a sentence.
Take a sentence and make it a paragraph. Take a paragraph and make it a book. Take a book and start memories. Take my hand and make me part of your memory. Posted @ 4:36 PM 28 May 2009. Hey earthlings. yes, this blog is more attractive now, thanks loads to Nuruzzahra Bte Abdul Aziz and Rafaila Bte Abdul Rashid. haha(: so had sch today and my dear friend ddnt come due to morning sickness.. no lar, i dunno why. poosh. got to sch, assembly, blah3. had PE where we had to throw bballs. haaha. then did SS corrections with Mdm A. recess was a blast. neh. its just like other normal recess. lol. durin maths, got to know my class&level position and overall %. gotta improve man. im scared for my O's. "what if's" comes to mind.. after sch, Su Ling and Natasha sat with me and watched me eat due to my request. haha. thanks peeps(: then had hiphop. gosh. i was really hopin to not miss any hh practice durin the june hols. something else just had to pop up. sheesh. ding ding dong .. dingdingdingding dong ... flabbergasted. what does it mean anyways, flabbergasted. ok nvm. hmm there's loads of stuffs that i have and want to do durin the hols.. have to: maths supp, AEM, day camps, CCAs, dadada.. want to: outing with beloved cuzzies(: , outing with classmates, overseas,gee(: well. there are things you have to sacrifice for the sake of another thing. haha, nvm. It just came to mind
that you are the one that finds the true meaning of happiness in every beating heart. Posted @ 7:30 PM 27 May 2009. simplicity + randominity Hi peeps(: Yes, this is muah first personal blog. haha. (i wanna say this but i dunno, nvm here's just what i wanted to say: ironic eh?) ok nvm. Haha. so i've decided to create a 'June holiday blog' where i will update about the happenings of my life in June. Hopefully if everything goes well, i might continue with this blog. Ahx. yea that's basically the plan. Gee. yea yea i know, its not yet june. but, why not just start earlier for the sake of starting. ha crap nvm. well if you see this blog now, it may or may not be attractive. okok let's begin. begin what? begin storytelling. neh. begin the happenings. haha. well woke up late today : 6.32am! rushrushed to sch. luckily dad could send today, phew+yippies. reached sch, blahblahblah had sk8ting!(: funfunfun. geared up and set off. haha. went ard the basketbll court which is minute. fell like.........once. twice. thrice. yes, thrice. what u think 40000 eh? lawls ALL three times on my butt foot. so then did CIP durin upper&lower sec recess. then had talk frm SP and havin thoughts on gg poly. then had survey abt physics. I hate physics . aftr sch did CIP again. got tired of standing so i went home instead of eating with Zahra,Umairah & Hanisah. sorry guys): went home and went IMM with sis to buy contacts 8) Now i am home, blogging. haha. Posted @ 5:45 PM
Hello(: I ♥ diving and things that rhyme. I am who i am.
Adrain Alifah Dayana Dawn Faila Faizah Hany Jannatul Khia Meng Kpk Li Qing Natasha Siti Umairah Yee San Zahra
Basecodes: Bubby & TY