07 December 2010. Hello. Since Tumblr is down, I decided to blog here for reasons that are quite apparent. Sort of new to Tumblr and yes, I'm addicted. And now when it's under the "We'll be back shortly" mode, everything else seems boring. But just continue to find not boring stuffs elsewhere and landed here. So yeah. This goes to show how we all ramble on this site and wonder does anyone really read this. Unless you're famous or someone's envious or stalks or people wanna plain read. Haiz. Posted @ 1:04 AM 24 September 2010. HELLOOOOO HUMAANNNSSSSSS!!!!!!! It's been a while yeah! Well here I am on a Friday afternoon having some food and blogging! No, my O's are not over yet but it's nearing.... A couple of stuffs to note down in here cos if i were to say "update", i doubt there's anyone out thr who visits this site and i'm not famous. So, Malay June O level results are disappointing and so is the Malay Oral. A mere pass is not satisfying for a person who speaks and grows up with the language. The expectations are high and so there has to be hard work put in right. Prelims was enough to get me anticipating for O levels. hah. I feel like i've not put in all my best for my subjects and so the results might not be satisfactory. Hopes are nothing without hard work and determination goes no where without sitting down and doing the revision papers thoroughly. Time can never be turned and this sounds so cliche amongst teenagers these days. In the end, the emotion nobody wants to feel is regret. I regretted not doing this, not doing that blah blah blah. Experienced it before but what are you still doing? go figure. Lately, i've been doing a lot of thinking. Thinking of this, thinking of that... He who doesn't think, doesn't...... ?(i don't know heee) Tuhan memberi kita pelbagai ujian setiap saat yang kadangkala sukar untuk diselenggarakan dan untuk difahami. Namun, kita perlu redha dan tabah melayari bahtera kehidupan yang perit inak dan durinya. Walau apapun yang terjadi, kami perlu berdoa kepadaNya agar membimbing kami dalam keadaan-keadaan sebegitu. Well, talking about thinking, i've thought a whole bunch of things tt i wanted to say here but now my mind is blank. (I was abt to type an asterisk but i ended up posting the version before this sentence so here is the continuation.) * * yes, blank. Raya was fine (: OK bye :D Posted @ 4:13 PM 31 July 2010. Alrighto here's a quick update in the last day of July. Well i know it sucks to know suckish things but there are people out thr who enjoy doing these suckish things so its better if they just. dang i used suck too many times because im bored and my vocabulary is not working. ok whatever. i ate some spaghetti that tasted like PERFUME. serious i'm not kidding! it was like u were eating perfume. i don;t really like the taste but my sis thinks its nice. so she ate the whole thang (: SO i googled images to find these awesume piccas. Have fun watching(: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Adios, Nad(:
Posted @ 11:23 AM 25 July 2010. Things change but people don't. Which is sometimes very sad, unfortunately.But what to dooo.... We are humans which He created to have feelings and sometimes these feelings lead to us doing things we shouldn't do. And these things that we do aren't much liked by some people because it's bad. But sometimes even if what we're trying to do is the right thing, they just don't seem to acknowledge it. Well, "acknowledge" might be a bit too harsh but at least response or something. It's that difficult. Ok whatever.Let's laugh out loud for a while now.. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH HA. Once in a while, we need some laughter in our lives right peeeoopleee!!!! Yeah. *gives-that-wierd-face*Anyways, for your(nobody....cos i think no one reads this crappy blog of mine) info, i lost like 260 out of the 270 songs in my phone! I got no idea how it vanished but somehow it did disappear. But when i checked my memory card on the comp, it's still there but it's not in my hp! ): and the ten songs remaining were kinda old... So i just deleted some of it anyways and uploaded some new ones and took some frm my lil' bro's hp which is mostly Malay songs. Jiwang songs. HAhahahaha... Tiny secret of his revealed! And talking abt Malay, i had my Malay O Level Orals and Listening Compre already! Yeah so fast huh? They were kinda overwhelming. Conversations and the understanding of the texts the radio person was reading... Ohya, fyi each time a candidate sits for LC, they'll have to listen to the radio channel tt's gonna play the texts like 30minutes before it starts. The deejay played the Billionaire song right after an announcement that there's gonna be a major exam up soon so that they can tune the volume appropriately, and it was Boomz! haha. Btw, i've been watching the SHAYTARDS these few days and they're like the most awesomesstt an coolest online family! They're kinda random and funny and cute! Gyeah, i guess they rock. Are these interesting?
And i can't wait for a break after O levels. And i don't feel prepared some way or another. Adios, Nad(: Posted @ 5:28 PM 19 June 2010. Helloooo! It's been a while since the last update, as usual. heeeeeee B) The June holidays have been a breeze. That's because i've been slacking and falling behind. Bad, bad thing to do. The first two weeks of holidays wasn't really living up to the "holiday" purpose cause of school at 8am everyday and the constant reminders to start studying. Heck, my results are a phail. how do i even pull up the socks when i hardly wear them. Moving on, went swimming with faila&mirah ysterday. It was fun cause we swam laps and after abt 3 laps, it felt easy! Because i have not swam since forever, i thought i'd get breathing difficulties or something but i didn't so hurray? Ohya, went cycling day before yesterday with Nat, Zahra and Umairah. It was fun, going up the slopes and down and at the skate park taking pictures. I was facing difficulties climbing the slope! nadiah, nadiah.. Anyways, we went singing after that. My sense of rhythm is no where near pass. After which we went home and decided to ride bus no. 14 and it was so freaking long before we got to our destination. ended up stopping earlier somewhere and took another bus home. And i'm broke. Alright had a date with the sister and cousin yesterday after the swimming session. We went esplanade(we need to find other places to chill) to catch the outdoor theater show and we were just not in luck cos it was a piano recital of slow, classical, jazz pieces. Nice choice. After 30 minutes of classical and knowing that Germany lost against Serbia, we headed to Marina Square's McD where we had Horlicks Mcflurry, McCafe's new mocha choco something and chocolate and blueberry muffin. And something funny happened. The three of us were enjoying the tidbits we bought and somehow we were leaning towards the table like something secretive was going on. I just snapped a picture of Mirah acting not normal and showed it to Faila and : Faila: (after looking at the picture) Gilerr.. Suddenly, a stranger who was on the phone walked past us.Stranger: Ape dia? Mirah: Gilerrr..... We roared in laughter and it was so effing hilarious! Soon, we finished our food and searched for the bus stop. Otw there, we were acting like crazy drunk bitches (too much coffee and chlorine). Ohya, on Tuesday, i went to JB to eat Portugese Chicken and watched The A-team. The movie is a MUST watch. Kelakar rabak! Although the story-line is expected, the comedy is funny:D OK bye! 'LEK 'LUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! we were young and naive had to fall in the cupid's trap we were full of joy and laughing had to meet the consequences we were strong and beautiful had to move with time and grow we have our ups and downs because we are humans Posted @ 1:55 PM 20 May 2010. I had something in my mind but it suddenly just vanished. So next time maybe. Bye.
Posted @ 9:42 PM 08 May 2010. Hi. (: Sometimes don't you feel like you've got a lot of stuffs running through your mind but you just can't find the right way or order to say it. You feel cautious of what might happen when you speak your mind. So all the thoughts just end up getting flushed back in to the back of your brain and after sometime it'll just pop up the second you get silent. The amazing thing is, your thoughts still go wild in your head when you're not speaking. They just spin around in your head. Another awesome thing i find is how people change topics. From i need to go to town to i don't know what to wear to i bought that shirt and have not worn it yet. Whatev Moving on, i found out that the theme for prom is Monocromo aka monochrome. It's like you wear a certain colour but different shades of the colour. hm. interesting. but Darn i need to concentrate on my exams now. I'm actually on the comp to do an assignment but end up logging on to the social networking sites. *plufplh* As i boarded the bus to go to jp just now, i saw the side-view of a guy sleeping. he was wearing his school uniform and sleeping oh-so-soundly. At 1ST, i thought it was an old friend and i know that his stop was the next stop. i was contemplating to wake him up or not. Luckily i did not cos it wasn't that old friend after all. but his side view looked so equal these are the consequences that you never thought of. i was left dumbfounded and that barrier came building up between the walls. how sad random. Sometimes it's flowers, the most beautiful strawberries, the freshest of all chocolates, you do adore OhYA! FIFA World Cup 2010 will be available live on both StarHub and SingTel! This is just awesome. because i like watching soccer and the moments before the dude kicks the ball into the post and the 87589258901526 ways a goal can be scored and the same WORD every person shout/scream/sigh/say silently and the down-right-damn-fanatics(i'm not one of them) and the atmosphere that sums up the whole event at the end of the day. and the next one in 2014. *phewb* and in the end, it's the flaws that people talk about because of the person you are. goodnight. Posted @ 2:13 AM
Hello(: I ♥ diving and things that rhyme. I am who i am.
Adrain Alifah Dayana Dawn Faila Faizah Hany Jannatul Khia Meng Kpk Li Qing Natasha Siti Umairah Yee San Zahra
Basecodes: Bubby & TY